And all this work depends on the courage and sacrifice of those who serve in dangerous places at great personal risk-our diplomats, our intelligence officers, and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. 所有这些工作,有赖于那些冒着巨大的个人风险在危险的岗位上工作的人们所付出的勇气和牺牲,他们有外交人员、情报人员和美国武装部队男女官兵。
Although some Italians co-operated in shameful ways with the Nazis to send Jews to concentration camps – with tragic results – many others created networks to protect them, often at great personal risk. 尽管一些意大利人曾与纳粹狼狈为奸,将犹太人送到集中营(结果是悲惨的),但还有很多人冒着往往巨大的个人风险联手保护他们。
Levels of knowledge of safer sex and HIV remain low in many countries, as well as perceptions of personal risk. 关于更安全性行为和艾滋病毒的知识水平在许多国家仍然很低,对个人风险的理解也很差。
For example, rural, micro and small business borrowers mostly borrow at their personal risk as they are typically not incorporated. 例如,农村和微小企业借款人通常没有公司化,所以他们贷款大多存在个人风险。
An Empirical Study on Personal Risk Perception of Knowledge Sharing in the University Research Teams 高校科研团队内部知识共享的个人风险认知分析
Research on Estimate of Community Correction Objects 'Personal Risk in China 我国社区矫正对象人身危险性评估探究
Our fMRI and ERP results indicate that evaluation and semantic processing engages in both environmental and personal risk identification tasks. 这些结果说明执行环境和个人风险识别任务时均需要认知评价和语义加工。
Our results indicate the existence of distinct neural mechanisms underlying environmental and personal risk identifications. 我们的结果说明识别环境和个人风险具有不同的神经基础。
If a man has several affected relatives who may even have been diagnosed at a young age, then his personal risk is substantially increased. 如果一个男性的几位近亲属罹患此病他可能会在很年轻时就被诊为此病,他的个体危险性大为增加。
Low awareness of personal risk of HIV infection and fear of stigma and discrimination account, in part, for low uptake of testing services. 个人对感染艾滋病毒风险的认识不高以及担心遭受耻辱和歧视是检测服务利用率不高的部分原因。
The more of a man's direct relatives, i.e.brothers and fathers, are affected, the higher is his personal risk to develop prostate cancer himself. 亲缘关系越近他发生前列腺癌的个体风险就愈大,诸如父亲和兄弟。
"Working with TB patients places staff at great personal risk," said one nurse at the hospital. “与结核病患者打交道使医护人员自身面临巨大风险,”该医院的一位护士说。
When you get right down to it, once you have adapted it into your own trading style and personal risk model, tunnel trading will give you all you want. 一朝你真正了解他,一朝你将他转变成适合你个人生意业务风格的模子,隧道生意业务法能给你所有你要的。
Police rarely stop the marriages, and efforts to raise awareness or intervene in ceremonies are usually left to social activists, often at great personal risk to themselves. 印度当地警方很少干涉未成年人婚姻,仅仅是一些社会激进分子在为反对这种非法现象尽微薄之力,但通常他们的行为也给自己带来了麻烦甚至伤害。
The DKFZ researchers recognized a general tendency that the personal risk is the higher, the younger affected relatives were at the time of diagnosis. 德国癌症控制研究中心的研究人员认识到一个一般趋势:该病确诊时的家庭成员越年轻,个体患病风险就越高。
Great leadership always involves personal risk and a capacity to speak up on important issues, to care enough to say things others have thought but not publicly articulated. 伟大的领导力总是关乎个人风险和在重要问题上大声疾呼的能力,以及足够谨慎地说出其他人想到过、但没有公开说出的话。
However, relative to the personal risk identification task, the environmental risk identification task resulted in greater transient activity in the posterior cingulate cortex and precuneus. 但是,相对于个人风险任务,环境风险任务导致较强的在后扣带回和楔前叶的短暂神经活动。
The result showed that our large-scale gymnasium and stadium should take risk management in the following areas such as nature risk, management risk, personal risk, equipment and technique risk. 结果表明:我国应从自然风险、管理风险、人因风险、设备风险和技术风险等几个方面对场(馆)进行风险管理;
With the strengthening of risk awareness, people increased demand for personal risk. Life insurance that its unique risk diversification, economic compensation and benefits functions, are more and more concerned. 随着人们风险意识的加强,人身风险需求的增加,人身保险以它特有的分散风险、经济补偿及给付功能,越来越受到人们的关注。
About crime group ringleaders degree of criminal responsibility shall be made by the objective, this paper, combining with considered harmful vicious subjective and personal risk to the subjective vicious ringleaders based on the sentencing. 关于犯罪集团首要分子承担刑事责任的程度,本文提出应当由客观危害性出发,结合考虑主观恶性和人身危险性,以首要分子的主观恶性为基础对其进行量刑。
Occurrence and extension of the personal risk can be transformed into public risk and then debt risk. 私人风险的发生和蔓延,转化成为公共风险,最终带来负债风险。
So, for adolescents themselves, the subject of suicide, should have some personal risk factors, which play much more important roles in suicide behavior. 因此,作为自杀行为的主体,青少年自身往往存在某些易感因素,而且个体易感因素对自杀意念和自杀行为起着至关重要的作用。
Executive team occupation risk mainly includes the risk, increasing work pressure, and violent resistance to law causes personal risk. 执行队伍的职业风险主要包括廉政风险、越来越大的工作压力,以及暴力抗法引起的人身风险等。
Personal risk lies in criminal risk personality. 人身危险性产生的内在原因在于犯罪人具有犯罪危险性人格。
In the same crime, the punishment of a minor and the old people different from adults, not only consider the offenders personal risk, comply with the principle of blame of suitable punishment, but also accord with the principle of a legally prescribed punishment. 在同等罪行下,对未成年人与老年人的惩罚区别于成年人,不但与犯罪人的人身危险性相适应,符合罪责刑相适应的原则,而且也无悖于罪刑法定原则。
Second, punishment individualized theory emphasizes that the measurement of penalty base on the specific circumstances of case, especially the social risk and the personal risk in case. 第二,刑罚个别化理论注重从个案的具体情况,特别是个案中犯罪行为的社会危害性和犯罪人的人身危险性出发进行量刑。
Life insurance is a very important tool with which people manage the personal risk, and also is a essential part of the system of social security. 寿险是市场经济环境下,大众管理生、老、病、死等人身风险的重要工具之一,是多层次社会保障体系的重要组成部分。
Guangzhou you want started very personal risk assessment, I assess quantitative analysis are described in. 广州需全面启动人身危险性评估,本人对评估的定量分析进行了具体阐述。
To be sure it is correct, on the one hand to consider the sentencing crimes of offenders and the social harmfulness and degree; on the other hand must also consider the offenders personal risk size. 保障量刑公正则需做到,一方面考虑犯罪人的犯罪行为和结果的社会危害性程度;另一方面也必须考虑犯罪人的人身危险性大小。
Explore pig breeding industry insurance and actively preventfarmers 'personal risk. 探索生猪养猪行业保险,积极防范规避养殖户个人风险。